Seminarium om ekonomisk utveckling på landsbygden

Välkommen till ett seminarium om ekonomisk utveckling på landsbygden den 2 oktober. Seminariet kommer att beröra olika aspekter av ekonomisk utveckling på landsbygden, med ett särskilt fokus på små- och medelstora företag och effektivt nyttjande av landsbygdernas resurser. Observera att seminariet hålls på engelska.

Economic development in rural regions – new thinking and policies in finding and exploiting endogenous capacities

Date: Tuesday October 2, 2018
Venue: Teleborgs Slott, Länk till annan webbplats. Växjö
Time: 09.30 – 16.30

The stimulation of economic development in rural areas is now a major issue in many EU countries. This ESPON seminar will examine how to support and encourage SME development and growth and exploit endogenous resources such as natural capital, heritage, renewable energy, bio-economy and tourism, in rural regions. Successful exploitation may require new models of governance, social innovation, high-level ICT systems and public sector support. Amongst others, the following discussion points will be considered:

  • How SME development could best be supported in rural areas;
  • To what extent and in what ways SMEs contribute to business development, job creation and innovation in northern rural areas;
  • The main opportunities and obstacles for SMEs growth;
  • The global patterns and recent trends of inward FDI flows to northern Europe and their effect on overall territorial development.

This seminar will examine the challenges of Kronoberg County in south Sweden and then call on rural development experts to outline recent thinking in stimulating rural economic development. Experts from Nordic countries will comment on the Swedish challenges and compare with their own challenges and thinking. Recommendations for future rural policy will also be discussed.

The seminar will be divided into three parts:

Part 1 – Setting the scene with speakers outlining the Swedish and Baltic context

Part 2 – ESPON research projects ‘Shrinking rural regions in Europe’ Länk till annan webbplats., ‘Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in European Regions Länk till annan webbplats.’ and ‘World in Europe Länk till annan webbplats.’ projects will be presented

Part 3 - Baltic case studies and projects will be presented and discussed

The seminar will end with an interactive group discussion and recommendations.

The seminar is part of the ESPON Transnational Outreach programme and is free of charge, but participants must pay their travel and accommodation costs. Lunch and coffee will be offered.

For more information and full agenda and registration, please visit
Contact information:
Länk till annan webbplats.
Richard Tuffs Länk till annan tel : +32 2 486 4765

Senast uppdaterad: 23 augusti 2018
Publicerad: 23 augusti 2018 kl. 09.39


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